Okay! Usually I do Stacking the Shelves and The Sunday Post but I've been SUPER busy on the weekends to participate in those memes.
So starting Mondays I'll be doing Monday Wrap ups part of It's Monday! What are you reading, hosted by Book Journey, where we gather to share what bookish things we did in the past week and what bookish things we plan to do this week.
Last Weeks Post:
Last Weeks Post:
Tuesday: As always, Top Ten Tuesday! Last Tuesday's Topic was Top Ten "Popular" authors I haven't read. (click here for my TTT)
Wednesday: I'm always anticipating some book's new release or debut and to share that with every one I participate in, Waiting on Wednesdays, a bookish meme to share upcoming book releases. Last week's W.o.W was Sea of Shadows by Kelley Armstrong (click here for my WoW)
Also on Wednesday last week, I replied back to a post I got for being nominated for The Liebster Blog Award. (Thanks Again Katrina @ Chased By My Imagination)
Thursday: I posted a quote from The Museum of Extraordinary Things for Quotable Thursday, hosted by Monique @ Mo_Books. (click here for quote)
Friday: I shared my Feature & Follow topic where I posted a list of my favorite "oldie but goodie" books AND I made a button for my blog :) I'm so proud of it. Even though it's simple, it's perfect!!! (click here for my F&F) Check it out y'all:

During the weekend I did some Spring cleaning around the house, did my monthly grocery shopping and managed to clean out my car and wash it. Somehow in the mix of all of that I was able to go to the bookstore and Library. I guess it doesn't matter how busy I am:
Starting from Bottom to Top:
~From the Gentlemen's Bastard Series by Scott Lynch, books 1 & 2:
~From the Eon Series by Alison Gooman, book 1:
~Perfume: The Story of a Murderer by Patrick Suskind
~In The Company Of Ogres by A. Lee Marinez
~The Neverending Story by Michael Ende
~The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Expuery
Library Books:
~The Lady in the Tower: The Fall of Anne Boleyn by Alison Weir
~Half Bad by Sally Green
This Week's Blog:
Sometime this week I'll post my review on The Museum of Extraordinary Things. Hopefully I'll have two more reviews up my sleeve, but don't want to jinx myself. Also I'll be posting my usually bookish memes that I participate in, Top Ten Tuesday, Waiting on Wednesday, Thursday's Quotable, and Friday's Feature & Follow. I think that's it but who knows....I might surprise myself?!?!
Oh yea, thought I'd share a picture of myself just after cleaning my car
Nice and Sweaty....Ohhh la la
Hope everyone had a lovely weekend and may this week be even lovelier :)
♥ BIG HUGS and lots of LOVE ♥
Now! Time to check up with y'alls blogs and see what y'all been up too the past week....so
Great haul! I love the Gentleman Bastard series and The Neverending Story. I can't wait to hear how you like them. :)