Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thursday's Quotable Quote

Quotable Thursdays is a bookish meme hosted by Mo_Books, where you share a great quote or two from any book and explain why you chose it. (Make sure when choosing your quote, it's one that does share anything that will spoil the story for others)

Okay, so last week I posted a quote from Alice Hoffman's book, The Museum of Extraordinary Things, and today I will  post yet another quote from the same book. I am, still, currently reading the book. Not because it is slow or uninteresting. It's because I'm savoring each and every word.
 I have fallen in love with this book so much that I took the Library copy back and went to B&N and bought the book. I didn't even care that it was nearly $30 bucks. I think it is well worth it. 


" I was impressed by the characters statement: I am not an angel, and I will not be one till I die. Those words made me feel I was not the only one who was at odds with who I was expected to be, and that angels were meant for another world, not for ours."~ page 174

This stuck with me after I read it. I am no angel. I make a ton of mistakes and I learn from them. I am far from perfect so don't expect perfection from me. You want a good girl, an "angel", better find a way to get to  heaven, cause here on earth, there are none.

I'm only pages away from finishing this book so a review is coming soon. 



  1. I have heard great things about this book!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

    1. Omg! It is nothing less than fantastic!! A must read!!


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