The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
With Stacking the Shelves I'll be showcasing what books (ebooks, audio) I've bought, borrowed, and/or won. Also Arc's I received and/or books I've traded with friends.
The Sunday Post I'll get to share what I did on last week's blogs and what I'll be doing on this coming up week's blog.
Arc's I received:
By: Katherine Addison
Expected Publication: April 1st
Publisher: Tor Books
By: Danielle L. Jensen
Expected Publication: April 1st
Publisher: Strange Chemistry
Library Books:
By: Laini Taylor
Published: Sept. 27th, 2011
(and loving every second of it)
By: Maeve Binchy
Published: Oct. 1991
Contemporary/Historical Fic/Romance
The Archived By: Victoria Schwab
Published: January 29th, 2013
$.99 on Amazon (what a deal!!)
Book Haul
(books bought Feb. 3rd-9th):
This is the largest book haul I've had by far!!
Hopefully not the last ;)
This past week:
The Bookish Memes I did: Making up Monday, Top Ten Tuesday, Waiting on Wednesday and The What's of Wednesday (WWW) and Friday
I did my very first Feature and Follow :)
The Books I reviewed: Monday I reviewed Red Rising by Pierce Brown and Thursday I reviewed The Troop by Nick Cutter.
Just for Fun post: I share a video of one of my favorite authors, Neil Gaiman, reading the Cat in the Hat on YouTube.com :)
This Week Coming Up:
I intend on doing all of the week's bookish memes (hopefully) and a lot more reviews. I really need to read and review a lot of the Arc's I have.....So that's what I have on my agenda. Oh and duh me!!!! Most likely another book haul b/c I can't help but spend all of my money on books ♥
What did you guys accomplish this week on your blogs and what do you have planned for the week ahead? I'd love to hear what books y'all got too!!
♥ xoxo ♥
Man you got yourself an awesome haul! I want Daughters of Smoke and Bone & Stolen Songbird (I love the cover). Its been a long time since I've read any Stephen King books, the last was Dream Catcher I think and it was weird. Happy Reading :-D